Wow. What a surprise. Another awesome day!! It was an absolute blessing to witness the dedication of Stephannie's house. There were probably 75 people there including media. It should be on the news sometime today! She was excited to get into the house and she is staying there tonight. She said she was happy that she would be able to cook again!
We met Tommy today. We have been working on his house all week. He is a very nice young man who is employed by the University of Alabama. He is one of 6 butlers for a 360 person sorority. We will get to spend a little bit of time with him in the morning.
Shawn, Aaron, Matt, Josh, and Doug spent most of their day at Tommy's house working on siding, grinding out cinder block mistakes of others (Shawn) and installing flashing. The exterior of the house looks very close to being done.
Brent spent most of the day at Stephannie's doing odds and ends to prepare for the dedication.
We will work a partial day tomorrow. Come back to the church, pack up, and look forward to our flight home that arrives in Sacramento at 7:30 PM.
It was a blessed week and we look forward to coming back. We will be praying about it beginning Sunday!
Im out!
Dave and the Guys
Actually, Theresa Cane was the first to comment. Way to go Theresa! :)